30 Januari 2014

The Dead Crow by A. Samad Said

Good day Everyone,

I would like to share a poem that was introduced to me during secondary school entitled The Dead Crow. This poem is quite interesting and the theme about pollution.   

He saw a dead crow
in a drain
near the Post Office,
He saw an old man
gasping for air
And a baby barely able to breathe
In a crowded morning clinic
This land is so rich
Why should we suffer like this?

I want clean air
For my grandchildren
I want the damned fools
To leave the forest alone,
I want the trees to grow,
The rivers run free
And the earth covered with grass.
Let the politicians plan how 
we may live with dignity
Now and always

The explanations are as follows:

The poet sees a dead crow lying in a drain
Then he goes to a clinic and sees an old man and a baby having breathing problems
He ask why there should be so much suffering in a wealthy country

The poet wants clean air for his grandchildren
He wants the forests to be undisturbed so that the trees can grow
He wants the rivers to flow freely
He wants the earth to be covered with grass
He suggests that politicians should think of way to solve the pollution problems so that people can live decently now and forever

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”  Mahatma Gandhi

15 Januari 2014

Tepung Pelita

Tepung Pelita is one of the traditional cake in Malaysia. What it has anything to do with me? haha

Well.. as son of nasi lemak and traditional cake best seller, FORTUNATELY, I can cook!

So for this entry, I will share a recipe of delicious Tepung Pelita :)

Love it!

The Recipe:

1 cup of rice flour
1 cup of sugar
5 cups of H2O
4 tablespoons rice flour (leveled)
4 cups coconut milk
4 pandan leaves (blend with small amount of H2O)
Small amount of chalk (air kapur) and salt

How to do it?

1. Mix well flour, H2O, sugar, water, air kapur, pandan leaves and water mixed well.
2. Squeeze the coconut milk, add 4 tablespoons of flour mixture and salt. Stir until smooth and set aside.
3. Cook flour and stir until blended ripe and shiny.
4. When you've cooked pour it in a mould. Preferably banana leaves mould.
5. Coconut milk mixture and stir until thickened.
6. Lift and Pour coconut milk over the flour in the mould.
7. Leave it cool.

Well, I will be the next master chef! haha

Moments of My Convocation Day

Alhamdullilah, I was finally graduated after three and a half year of study!

I would love to express my most gratitude to Allah, my beloved parents (mak & abah) and to all who had supported me along the way of my jihad (study).

My Beloved Parents (Mak & Abah) :')

My Mentors (Dean & Deputy Dean) 

My Adik-Adik :)

Thank You Allah! :)

p/s: tak sedar air mata mengalir... 

Kangkung oh Water Spinach!

I tried not to understand the metaphor of Kangkung and its significant to SNS in Malaysia.

From time to time, everyone in Facebook, Twitter, and other SNSs talks about Kangkung issues. It has become trending among youngster.

It was reported in BBC news as well!
Print Screen from BBC Webpage

Honestly, this issue made me so irritating and disappointed not because of what Mr. Najib had mentioned in his speech, but the way Malaysian reacts towards it.

It is undeniable that I myself cannot accept the issues of price increase especially in urban area. However, there are many ways we can express and deliver our objections, thought for this matter.

Based on my observation, I can see Malaysian is half mature. (Sorry, no offense Malaysian)

It is so contradict with our religion and culture to be rude, evil and many bad things.

One question: Did any of our action (those bad thing) actually give impacts to those leaders? NO!

In my opinion, everyone should deliver their message in right way. Everyone wants their voices to be heard.
Please Malaysian (I am reminding myself as well), it is not easy to please everyone. Back to our very basis, Al-Quran and Sunnah. InsyaAllah, we will find what is the best for all of us. J

Memory of my childhood :

Maulidur Rasul

I Love You So Much Our Prophet Muhammad SAW

On 12 Rabiulawal every year, the Muslims celebrated Mawlid or also known as Maulidur Rasul (Prophet Muhammad SAW’s birthday). We are thankful of and delighted over the birth of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Nevertheless, we must determine the correct way of following and comprehending his teachings. Year after year, various groups of people celebrated Mawlid.

One simple question that always came up ....

Are the Muslims getting closer to him year after year?

12 Januari 2014

Stone Soup

Sometime ago there were three soldiers. There were on their way home from the war and there were very hungry and very tired. “I wish we had something good to eat “said the first soldier.” I wish we had a bad to sleep in. “said the second.” I wish those things were possible” said the third “but we can't.” We must march on until we reached home.

Soon they marched. Suddenly they came to a village. The villagers so them coming. The villagers knew that the soldiers are always hungry. The villagers didn't have much food. They worried if they offered the food to the soldier then they themselves wouldn't eat that night, so they decided to hide all their food. The first soldier went to the first house. “Could you give us something to eat and a place to sleep?” We would be glad to give you if we had some. Bu we don't and we would gladly to give you space to sleep, if we didn’t need all of it ourselves. But all our beds are full.
And so it went with all the villagers. Everyone had a good excuse.
"We gave all our food to the soldier who came before you."
"Our father's sick, we would share it with you if he wasn't sick."
"The harvest was bad, we need the grain for the cattle feed. If we didn't need the grain, we would share it with you."

I won the 1st place for National Story Telling Competition
The soldiers thought, and then they said, “We wish you could offer us something to eat, but since you can't - we'll have to make stone soup."
“Stone soup?” The villagers had never heard of it before.
“First we'll need a large pot," said the soldiers.
That was no problem. The villagers brought the largest pot they could find.
“Now we need water to fill it and a fire to cook with."
The villagers brought buckets of water and built a fire in the village square.
“We need three round smooth stones."
That, too, was no problem at all. The villagers brought them, and the soldiers dropped them one by one into the pot.
The soldier stirred the pot and added some salt and pepper (all good soups have salt and pepper).
“Stones like these usually make a very fine soup, but if we had some carrots, it would taste a lot better," they said.
“I think I can find a carrot!” said one of the villagers. She ran home and got all the carrots she had hidden from the soldiers.
“This soup would taste so much better if we put some cabbage in it, " said the soldiers as they sliced the carrots.” We wish you had some cabbage. It's a shamed that you don't. "
“Let me see if I can find one, “said another villager. She went home and came back with three cabbages that she had hidden from the soldiers.
“If we added a little beef and a few potatoes, this soup would be good enough for a rich man's table.”

No sooner said than done. The villagers ran to get the hidden food.
Just imagine! A rich man's soup - and all from just a few stones!
The soldiers stirred and sighed, “If we stirred in a little barley and a cup of milk, this soup would be fit for the king himself.”
The villagers were really impressed. The soldiers knew the king! They wished they knew the king!
The villagers brought their hidden barley and milk to the soldiers, who stirred the ingredients into the pot.

Finally the soup was ready. Tables were set up and torches were lit. The soup was so delicious. Fit for a king. But the villagers said to themselves, “If a king ate this soup, he would require bread, and a roast and some cider to go with it, wouldn't he?"
Before not too long, everyone sat down to enjoy a great feast of roast, bread, cider and soup. Never before had they tasted such delicious soup. And imagine - it was made just from stones!!

There is no friend as loyal as a book

Assalamualaikum and Good Day!

Today is my first day updating my blog after a few years I left the blogging world. Honestly, I think my writing skills has become very poor lately. So, I will make it simple and brief!


Dear Mr/Ms Book Lovers,

I would like to start my introductory writing by sharing a very interesting book entitled “Di Hamparan Shamrock KuSeru Nama-Mu”.

Berbaki lagi dua bab!

It is an indirect motivational book, which the content is about the experiences of the author in UK! The dream place to visit after Mecca. J

There are many challenges as a Muslim and being Muslim in UK as highlighted in the book. I am proud to know how those challenges being taking care by him.

Anyway, I will not talk more about the book. If you have time, please read it and share your experience in my blog and unfortunately, the book is in Bahasa.

Thanks to my dear friend for lending me this book.

p/s: struggling to finish my research proposal. J